sara!! couldn’t love this more & know i will be returning to these ideas of play & finding my self in relationship over and over. thanks for beautifully guiding us through this 🪁🌿🫶🏾

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I love this, and it makes me think of how I felt teaching and being at the Community of Writers conference last week, socializing so much with such smart people. It felt a lot like college, except I was at once the student and the professor. All of us staff, like the students, were living together in big houses, and we had a lot of work to do, but we also just wanted to hang out and talk, and there was so much storytelling and joking and even silly flirting--flirting without a need/desire for an actual outcome (that outcome being getting a date, making out, etc), flirting for flirting's sake, is interactional play, I think--am I off? One of the other housemates was the wife of a writer there, and she makes violins and plays music and grew up the Northwest part of Canada and is just as cool as you might imagine. She told me that when two people are talking and really into that talking and making connection in this way, their brains light up in this totally different way. The flow state we feel with another person has neurological proof! So cool.

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Belatedly reading this and grateful for these thoughts, especially the idea of thinking and existing in ways that are *desultory*. Yes!! That resonates so much — thank you.

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