I was just writing something on exactly this same topic / tactic! Though you said it better than I was managing to — I will be quoting you when that piece goes out in a few weeks. Thank you for the lovely inspiration.
Thanks, Mason! I look forward to reading your thoughts on this topic. I think I was about where you are in the process for your current book when I started trying this.
I read this after following the link in your newsletter! Thanks both - this has been my practice with Duolingo where I've managed more than 1200 days but for some reason, I've never really applied it elsewhere!
Thanks for including @mason since I found it through your post. And thank you Sara for articulating this well. I found for the last few years this works for me with exercise (like even ten minute low impact or a short walk is ok)… but with writing I find myself the same disciplinarian day in and day out. It hasn’t worked. I will try it this week on my book project. Something is better than nothing - and it quickly adds up! Thank you.
I was just writing something on exactly this same topic / tactic! Though you said it better than I was managing to — I will be quoting you when that piece goes out in a few weeks. Thank you for the lovely inspiration.
Thanks, Mason! I look forward to reading your thoughts on this topic. I think I was about where you are in the process for your current book when I started trying this.
I read this after following the link in your newsletter! Thanks both - this has been my practice with Duolingo where I've managed more than 1200 days but for some reason, I've never really applied it elsewhere!
Thanks for including @mason since I found it through your post. And thank you Sara for articulating this well. I found for the last few years this works for me with exercise (like even ten minute low impact or a short walk is ok)… but with writing I find myself the same disciplinarian day in and day out. It hasn’t worked. I will try it this week on my book project. Something is better than nothing - and it quickly adds up! Thank you.
This approach has allowed me to be on the road for the last seven months while keeping my serenity and my sanity.
It's a great approach for traveling! I'm impressed you've been posting weekly while on the road. Clear evidence it works!
I should've quoted you in the post I just wrote--d'oh!
Very, very good advice <3
Oh, Sara, I could have written this! (And I’m somehow still, every day, learning that just-do-one-thing lesson.) Thank you and xo
It's really hard to undo the effects of harsh discipline and a productivity-obsessed culture! xoxo